An 'App' is a versioned program that allows you to run code on ByteNite.
Your app can range from a single function to a complex system with multiple libraries and functions. Currently, we only support Python apps.
This guide details the components of an app's directory and provides instructions on where and how to write code for embedding it into a ByteNite app.
App Directory Overview
To create a new app
directory in your local environment, execute the following ByteNite Dev CLI command:
A sample folder with pre-populated files and fields will be generated at your current path:
Directory Structure:
: This contains your application script, included in, as well as a default entry point ( You can also include additional libraries here if needed. Check out Develop the Main Script:
: This files contains configurations, details, and requirements of your app. Learn more at Initialize App Settings: manifest.json.schemas.json
: This JSON schema definition validate input parameters for your app. Read Require Parameter Validation: schema.json.
Initialize App Settings: manifest.json
The app's manifest outlines the configuration, requirements, ID, and version information of your app. Many applications heavily depend on the underlying hardware or container, so customizing this configuration file to your app's needs will significantly impact on its smooth execution.
While the manifest can vary between versions, allowing you to adjust configurations as your app evolves, the ID is permanently assigned during your initial app upload.
Below is an example configuration file, including ID, version, platform, platform config, and device requirements:
App Versioning
The manifest fields that control your app's ID and version are id
and version
. Use these fields to manage multiple uploads and maintain consistency across your deployments.
Platform & Hardware Requirements
ByteNite offers integration with container images that can be pulled from the Docker container registry (Docker Hub), providing all most common container types.
The platform
and platformConfig
fields let you choose platform type and the container image reference that will be imported and used by your app.
The deviceRequirements
field lets you specify hardware requirements for your app. All the hardware specifications that you can control using ByteNite are located inside this field.
Finally, you can check out an updated list of metadata that you can pass with an app in the Apps API reference.
Develop the Main Script:
script implements your app’s core functionality: reading input chunks, applying your logic, and producing an output. This script operates within a standardized framework to ensure smooth integration with ByteNite’s system.
Central to this script is the run
function, where you will develop four parts:
3. Developing the Core Functionality
The following paragraphs contain a description and breakdown of the run
function. Let's start by analyzing the arguments:
1. Reading Inputs
Your run
function should start by reading the input file, data.bin
, located in the task directory. This file contains the raw binary input data for your task, as passed by your Partitioning Engine. If you're using a passthrough partitioner, then data.bin
is directly the job's data source file.
Remember to load and encode data.bin
according to the expected data type.
If your app doesn't need to handle any input file, you may skip this step.
2. Handling Parameters
When your application receives parameters, they can be accessed through the params
variable. This dictionary reflects the data provided in a Create Job request at params["app'"]. For example, if your API request includes the following params object, everything inside params["app"] denotes the job parameters:
The params["app"] content from the snippet above is automatically assigned to your run function's params
variable, which you can access and use inside your app code.
3. Developing the Core Functionality
The primary functionality of your app should be implemented within the run
function as well. This can also be extended through external libraries placed in the app
folder, which can then be invoked by the run
Make sure that all external libraries and functions are imported and installed on the container image you're using, as specified in your manifest.
4. Saving Outputs
Store the processed result in the output directory os.path.join(basepath, OUTPUT_PATH)
. Any files in this folder will be accessible by your Assembling Engine, so ensure they are formatted to be readable by it. For passthrough assemblers, files saved here are directly uploaded to the job's data destination.
Require Parameter Validation: schema.json
Receiving parameters in your app that are already 'validated', meaning they comply with a JSON Schema, can help prevent key-not-found errors or other issues arising from malformed parameter objects.
The schema.json
file within your app directory contains your JSON schema. Input app parameters submitted to the Jobs API will be validated against this schema before the job can start.
Here is an example of a JSON schema that requires a single input string with a maximum length of 50 characters:
Another benefit of schemas is that they generate a graphical interface in your Job Launch console, allowing you or your users to set up and launch jobs from UI easily.
💡 App Development Tips
Here are a few tips the get the most out of your ByteNite apps:
When you write code for your app, it will be executed by distributed task runners. This means your app’s code will run on each worker machine as a separate task based on your data partitioning setup. To ensure efficient execution, provide only the core logic that should run on each worker node. Do not include custom distributed computing logic—task distribution and resource orchestration are fully handled by ByteNite’s load-balancing system.
However, within each worker node, you can utilize multiple CPU cores to take advantage of multi-core architectures.
Follow the guidelines in the 1. Reading Inputs and 4. Saving Outputs sections to manage data properly. Ensure your data sources are correctly set up, as custom data implementations can cause errors or inefficiencies and increase your container runtimes, leading to increased costs.
We recommend incorporating robust error handling and logging to debug your apps efficiently.
An here are a few dos and don'ts about your app's code:
✅ Should define the core functionality of your app.
✅ Can distribute subtasks across multiple CPU cores on the worker machine.
❌ Should not distribute tasks to other worker machines. Your app code is already the one running on each task runner.
❌ Should not read from additional data sources. Data sources are configured in the Jobs API, and data ingestion is handled by the Partitioning Engine.
❌ Should not write to additional data sources. Data sources are configured in the Jobs API, and data export is handled by the Assembling Engine.
⚠️ Can interact with external data sources or call additional endpoints only if necessary—when the required functionality cannot be handled by the Data Engines or Data Sources.
Last updated
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